On June 9, 2019 representatives of the National Institute for Strategic Studies Victor Pavlenko, deputy director of Department of Military and Military-Economic Policy, and chief consultant Petro Krykun took part in the Interdepartmental scientific-applied conference on issues of scientific methodological compliance with measures of security inspection in Ukraine, organized by Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine.
Among other participants of the conference there were representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other departments of defense forces, research and educational institutions, and foreign advisors.
Members of the conference discussed issues related to management of capabilities-based planning in accordance with principles and approaches of NATO and Great Britain in holding security inspection.
Another topic for discussion was related to methodical grounds of evaluation of security environment, force planning, resource planning and formation of advanced model of defense management, as well as management of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of defense forces.
There are plans of publishing a scholarly volume of materials, based on the results of the conference, and their announcement via mass media in order to encourage objective informing of Ukrainian society and international community regarding holding security inspection in Ukraine.